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Helping sport take care of business 

Behind the Game is a support and services company that provides sport organizations assistance to succeed with their business operations. We understand the limitations on time and resources that are across the sport delivery system, and we want to help you focus on what you love - your actual sport program.


How we can help




Resources, Templates & Training

There is no need to re-create the wheel. Use pre-built templates for training manuals, slide shows, policies or procedures as a base to launch an association personalized version to use for your organization. 



Association Review & Strategic Planning

Every organization has goals, but many don't have the pathway laid out to achieve them or take the time to find out if they are succeeding. Let us help work with your leadership to set out the paving stones you need.



TeamSnap Training & Full Registration

The registrar role carries great importance and yet they often rely on technical savvy or kindness from another association to figure it out. Let us help your registrar become an expert - or simply use one of ours to fill the role. 



Project Support & Other Options

Is there a project you have wanted to do but it just never makes it to the task list? Do you have a skill gap within your board/staff that you need help with? Let's talk and see if it's something we can support you with. 

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